Sunday, 5 January 2014

Trick to unblock airtel blocked sim 2014

As may have the problem with airtel blocking sim so here lovtrick is with new airtel unblockig trick.
follow bellow.

How to unblock airtel sim 2014: click to earn money

  1. when ur airtel sim gets blocked send 'fun' 'mms' mo' to 54321.

  2. after dat recharge ur airtel no by card recharge(post recharge) of any internet plan.

  3. after recharging any plan switch off ur phone for 5 min and restart and send an (empty) message to 121.

  4. browse the remaining data and at the end ( when ur net bal is less than 1mb start browsing airtellive with ur default browser)... this process is quiet long.

Ditulis Oleh : mrintunjay stark // 08:45


  1. thanx i will try airtel unblocking trick

    1. comment wether it is working or not inyour state.


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